
Showing posts from January, 2019

My Weekend

My weekend was very beneficial and a mixture of relaxing and hectic. I say hectic because we are moving and packing everything up. I strongly dislike packing but I do love the fact that we are moving. On the other hand, my weekend was relaxing because we went out to the country and went to see some horses and everything. Also, we went out to eat at Outback Steakhouse. My Sunday was okay, I went to church this morning, but the only bad thing is I kinda feel sick. Other than that my weekend was pretty good.

Day 1 Letters 1-7

In letters 1-7 in the novel The Color Purple, Celie was raped by her father who also impregnated her more than once and gave her babies away. Meanwhile, noticing that her daughter was having children by her husband she died from a heart attack. Her father continued to rape her and beat on her after her mother's death. He even thought looked as if he would try Celie's sister Nettie, but Celie is doing whatever it takes to protect her. Nettie starts to like on this older man named Mr.___. Celie wants Nettie to marry Mr.___ so she can get away, but their father won't allow it. He wants him to marry Celie instead. This novel so far is very disgusting, to even imagine that a father looking at his own dausghter's the way Fonso does is really upsetting. Also, the thought of being so young having to marry older men that does whatever to them. Today I had a very good day. Yes, there were pros and cons but it was a mostly good day. I started my own bank account today so no


1. Lament- a passionate expression of grief or sorrow 2. Anaphora- the use of word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence, to avoid repetition such as "do" and "I like it" and "so do they" 3. Paradox- a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated for explained may prove to be well founded or true 4. Contentious- causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial  5. Incongruous- not in harmony or keeping with the surrounds or other aspects of something 6. Obsolete- no longer produced or used; out of date 7.Disheartening- causing someone to lose determination or confidence 8. Enjambment- the continuation of a sentence with a pause beyond the line, couplet, or stanza 9. Opulence- great wealth 10. Drouth- a drought During the late night drouth, I sit back with pen and paper and write down all of my laments wondering will there be anyone to listen to my story. Some things I write ma


In The Story of Senoj it was basically saying how it is not right to mess with people. You will never know how they will take it because not everyone has tough skin. It also shows how what goes around comes around. Making this character made me think about society today. Many kids go through things with others who bother them and that creates an evil side to them. So creating this character helped me express that.

Poem To The Monster

Senoj Senoj please let us be Come out the water set us free We didn't mean for you to drown You didn't have to bring us down You eat people pound by pound All we hear is dripping sounds Water creeks Water reeks Senoj Senoj Please let us be.

Poem About The Monster

Don't Laugh at me Don't laugh at me Because I know i am fat  You taught me everyday, what do you get out of that? Don't laugh at me Now you've gone to far Pushing me off the bridge knowing I can't swim at all Look at what you've done to me Now I'm dead I couldn't breathe in this deep blue sea. Don't laugh at me I can't believe I'm talking to fish They also brought me back to life which was my only wish. Don't laugh at me Now I'm out for revenge You laugh at me again I'll let you know what it is. Don't laugh at me Look what You made me do Now you're lifeless... All because you laughed at me.

The Story of Senoj

Senoj was a young kid who went to Calloway. He was a sweet, quiet kid who rarely talked to anyone if he didn’t have to. This is what made kids bully and pick on him. One day his class took a field trip to a lake near by. Senoj sat by the lake by himself. A couple of the kids thought it would be funny to push him in the water. Everyone crowds around him. Out of nowhere one of the bigger boys push him in the water.He started to drown immediately. Someone says help him but no one helps. All of the kids go back to the field trip area. As the kids get on the bus the teacher asks has anyone seen Senoj. No one answers. Then a girl says he didn’t come to school today and they leave. Senoj’s body washes up in a grassy field on side of the lake. An old man finds the boy and takes him home. The man specializes in black magic and uses it to find out how the boy died. He casts a spell that brought the boy back a terrible cost. When the boy is brought to life he is surrounded by magical fish. These