Day 1 Letters 1-7

In letters 1-7 in the novel The Color Purple, Celie was raped by her father who also impregnated her more than once and gave her babies away. Meanwhile, noticing that her daughter was having children by her husband she died from a heart attack. Her father continued to rape her and beat on her after her mother's death. He even thought looked as if he would try Celie's sister Nettie, but Celie is doing whatever it takes to protect her. Nettie starts to like on this older man named Mr.___. Celie wants Nettie to marry Mr.___ so she can get away, but their father won't allow it. He wants him to marry Celie instead. This novel so far is very disgusting, to even imagine that a father looking at his own dausghter's the way Fonso does is really upsetting. Also, the thought of being so young having to marry older men that does whatever to them.

Today I had a very good day. Yes, there were pros and cons but it was a mostly good day. I started my own bank account today so now I feel more independent and proud of myself. Also, i'm understanding more things in calculus so that's a plus. 


  1. It is good that you were able to start your own bank account, I can't wait until my time comes. And calculus is a difficult subject, so for you to be understanding more shows improvement and that you have a lot of motivation.

  2. Starting a bank account is mature of you. I cannot wait yo start my own, so I can make my own decisions. It is really good you are learning things in Calculus.


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