
Feb. 17, 2019

My weekend was pretty great. It started off with a good Friday because I finally got my drivers license, I missed school that day to get it because I knew it was gonna be a long wait. Also, I caught up with my aunties and we went out to grab some food, and later on that night I went to the parade and caught up with people I haven't seen in a while. Saturday was my sister's 16th birthday. It was a very busy day because I had to drive her around so she could get whatever she needed to get done. Her dinner party turned out really good and we didn't get home until late and had a sleepover. When we woke up Sunday morning we went to Waffle House and came back home and watched movies for the rest of the day. Only bad thing is that I now have an E in calculus for missing a day and was too busy and forgot to do my assignment at 12.

Feb. 14, 2019

Today I was able to read part of the novel Fences. It seems seems as if it is going to be a very good book. You can tell that Troy is going to be something else and he is very outspoken. Which is the opposite of his wife Rose.

My Weekend

This weekend was very laid back. I love for my weekends to be that way because me as a person is very laid back. I spent most of my weekend in the bed reading, doing homework, and watching movies. Nothing special, but it is quite relaxing. Also, my best friend spent the night with me, she gets on my nerves sometimes but I still love her to pieces. I don't know if I'm tired of school or I just don't like Mondays because I do not want to go to school tomorrow.

Feb. 5, 2019

Today in class I thought more about women like Sophia. I understand why she thinks how she thinks and I actually support it. Only thing is, she has to be more humble. I believe all women should be as strong as her. I believe the world would a better place if women stood up more for themselves and have pride...but not too much. Women like Celie are kind-hearted but get taken advantage of and that's not good.

Feb. 4, 2019

Today was a regular day. I was really tired though so I slept in two of my classes. Also, I came home and took a four hour nap. In class today I've learned more on how to analyze a poem and I am getting really better at multiple choice questions.

Letter to God: Pa’s Second Wife


Reflection Jan. 31 2019

Today in The Color Purple i've noticed that Mr.___ is becoming more of a person. Meaning he is showing that he has feelings and the novel kind of makes you want to have sympathy for him. It also showed where he has gotten his ways from and how it effects his and Harpo's life. The letters that I have read today also informed me more about Shug Avery and Celie's feelings for her. I didn't know that Shug and Mr.___ had children together, also, the fact that Celie was sexually attracted to Shug. Today I had a pretty good day. Yes, I was lost in Mrs. Mahoney's class because I missed two days of school, but good thing it wasn't as hard as I expected. Also I cheered at my last game tonight which was kind of touching. It was a good game by the way, our team won. The best part of today is that I came home to my room being completely decorated. I am so excited about it because it was looking so plain since we've moved into the new house. Sad part is I can't enjo